Keeping UP With Smith, Jones & The Taxman

Ensuring we get our timing right for running business is o very critical these days.  With competition in all areas pretty fierce, it needs a smooth uninterrupted flow of orders in, goods/services out, invoices out followed by payment in. . . .  What is doesn’t need at any point is a hold up to sort out late tax returns to HMRC.  Theyve improved it all greatly now.  Everyone who works or is retred should be able to confidently check o their tax account and see exactly where it’s at.  The advent of the online tax system has arrived after much noise and criticism in the press for being difficult to use.  I personally haven’t found this to be the case;  apart from a couple of niggling teethig problems.  Was more than likely my erratic keying in.  It is true to say the government has taken the bull by the horns and provid finances are easy to find and undertand.  Financial status by way of pensions and tax is now easy to access and the one for business, although more complex, should following in the same vein.

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